I'm developing my professional project!
Professional retraining program
Halfway between the skills assessment and professional coaching, boosted by the synergy of the group, you are moving forward effectively in your project!
2 x 1h30 sessions/month (4 face-to-face sessions + 4 videoconference sessions): €200
Registrations on 06 30 72 05 19 - limited places!
Beginning of the seminar: Tuesday 03/10/2020 from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Cozy Work'In - 5bis rue de la Paix, 77500 Chelles
Me and the weight
Sophrology support group
Come and share your feelings within of a benevolent speaking space on the theme of weight gain and loss, followed by a sophrology session to refocus on yourself.
Monthly workshop of 1h30 - 15€/workshop
Group of 8 people maximum
Next workshop: to be confirmed
Cozy Work'In - 5bis rue de la Paix, 77500 Chelles
Discovering coaching
Coaching morning
Do you encounter a specific problem on which you need to take a step back? Do you feel lost in the face of an urgent decision to make? Or do you want to overcome a well-identified blockage? Come and test a free 1 hour Coaching session onFriday, March 27, 2020from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. !
Discovering coaching
Coaching day
Are you encountering a problem on which you need to take a step back? Want to overcome a well-identified blockage? Do you want to implement lasting change? Give yourself the time for a free coaching discovery session to get started in a new dynamic. Video appointment available onFriday, March 27, 2020from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. !
Live well in my retirement
Sophrology support group
Come and share about your new life as a retiree, the changes you are going through but also your desires and new interests. Sharing followed by a sophrology session to anchor the essence of the discussion.
Monthly workshop of 1h30 - 15€/workshop
Group of 8 people maximum
Next workshop: to be confirmed
Cozy Work'In - 5bis rue de la Paix, 77500 Chelles